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Decal Application Instructions


  1. Place sticker face up on table or hard surface. Use squeegee, credit card or driver's license. Rub over surface. This will ensure the decal will stick to application tape when removing the backing.
  2. Clean surface (outside of window) using window cleaner and preferably alcohol. Allow to dry.
  3. Leaving the decal face down carefully & slowly remove backing. If some of decal sticks to backing, re-attach and repeat step 1.
  4. Apply decal from inward to outward. Once your decal touches the surface it will stick so you will want to ensure your decal is on straight. We suggest you mark the area with a piece of tape or removable marker.
  5. With a squeegee, credit card or driver's license, rub once Again. This will ensure decal will stay on window (or surface area applying it to) and all air bubbles have been removed.
  6. Carefully remove application tape. Pull the tape back over itself. If bubbles appear, squeeze them out to the edge using a credit card or firm edge squeegee.


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